Cynthia Jordan

First Memories With a Piano
- Childhood
One of Cindy’s first memories is playing the piano with her paternal grandmother, Moe.
Every time Cindy went to Moe’s she would beg her to play the piano. She remembers lifting her hands up past her shoulders playing the high notes while Moe was playing her honky-tonk Rhythm and blues.
Cynthia claims to be Moe’s legacy as an entertainer. “They used to call Moe the last of the red hot Mamas! She could really Wow
a crowd. I’ve never seen anyone like her! I once watched her play at the Eagles Club for 2 hours. When she finally decided to take a break the whole place moaned. She was awesome!!
Destined to Play Piano
- Childhood
This is Popu, my mother’s dad. The day I was born he looked at my hands and said, “One day those little fingers will play the piano.” He passed when I was 6, but got to see me play my little red piano for a few years that Santa brought me when I was 3.
Because of what Popu said, Tita bought me my first piano and gave me a loan for my baby grand K.Kawai (that my current husband paid her back for).
First Piano Lessons
- 1964
When I was little we had a Magnus chord organ I would play. I begged for piano lessons! My first piano lesson was June 1, 1964. I was so excited! The Skibas across the street let me practice on their piano since we didn't have one in the house.
Learning to Play Guitar
- 1966
In those days there were no electric pianos so I learned the guitar and played in the car on road trips. Our family sang a lot. It was fun!
I picked up the guitar when I was 12 years old. I met a girl a little older than me who played and I thought it was cool. I learned 3 chords and could play lots of songs! I played at girl scouts, campfire girls and anywhere I could.
My Jose Cuervo Song is Born in a Bar
- 1970's
I was a cocktail waitress at a restaurant called Ichabod Cranes. This was my uniform. It was the 70’s and Baby Boomers were partying at bars a lot.
Our restaurant was a hot spot in town. Every night at 11pm our bartender would pour the staff a shot of Cuervo to take the edge off the job of serving a bunch of intoxicated patrons.
One night after work while I was waiting for my boyfriend, I picked up my guitar and wrote "Jose Cuervo You Are a Friend of Mine" in about 10 minutes. First song I ever wrote. The rest is history. (Good thing my boyfriend was late that night.)
Song Spikes Liquor Sales
- 1970's
After I wrote Jose Cuervo, I was working for Heublein in Los Angeles as Miss Jose Cuervo. I was promoting Jose Cuervo tequila at the 2 man volleyball tournaments in Redondo Beach, CA. I thought my song could be used to promote their tequila. They ignored me and told me T-shirts were a better way to advertise.
Jose Cuervo tequila sales went way up in Los Angeles in 1981 when my version went #1. Then in 1983, USA Today reported a 14 million case increase when Shelly West’s version went #1 for the year. That year sales in Los Angeles actually went down. It’s called the power of music.
My Publisher - The Great Al Gallico
- Early 1980's
At one time Al Gallico was one of the most powerful publishers in the music business. I had made a demo of Jose Cuervo and a friend of a friend arranged for me to play it for him.
He was enjoying a #1 hit when I showed up. I remember him leaving his office singing "Jose Cuervo You Are a Friend of Mine." Ultimately he published the song. I brought him a bottle of Jose to celebrate our #1 with Shelly West.
From Cocktail Waitress to Fame
- Early 1980's
After Shelly West’s version of Jose Cuervo went #1, Heublein put me on tour promoting Jose Cuervo in 28 cities from San Diego, CA to Fort Lauderdale, FL. My current husband, Dennis, was my manager at the time. My brother Mark went with me and my daughter Julie helped sell T-shirts when she could join us.
I performed with house bands and talked on every Country Radio Station I could. Super fun but the road life can be harsh.
Jose Cuervo Goes #1
- 1981-1983
Warner Brothers released my version of Jose Cuervo in 1981. Although it was never released nationwide, the record became a regional hit and went #1 in Los Angeles.
Later on, Snuff Garret brought the song to Shelly West’s recording session. Steve Dorff, who was producing Shelly, thought the song was too much of a novelty song. John Hobbs, who happened to be the piano player on my recording session, was also the piano player on Shelly’s session! He said, “Let’s do it. It’s a good song.”
John wrote a music chart in about 5 minutes. I believe it was a God thing! Jose Cuervo by Shelly West was the 1983 #1 Country music song of the Year in Billboard magazine.
Settling Down
- 1984-1986
In 1984, I moved to Texas with my music manager, Dennis. We were married a few months later. I wrote songs about cowboys and Texas. I was a beach girl in Texas, beginning a new phase of my life. I learned why they call Texas “God’s Country.”
A New Life. A New Family.
- Mid 1980's
Dennis and I now had a new, blended family. Dennis had 3 daughters - Stacey, Jessica and Kristi, and I had my daughter Julie who was 12 at the time.
I got pregnant on our honeymoon with our daughter, Denise. Fifteen months after her birthday, almost to the day, we had our son, Jordan.
Although I was still writing Country songs, I was about to embark on a new adventure - writing songs for children.
Kids for Kids Choir
- Late 1980's
I created the Kids for Kids Choir and recorded 30 of my original songs with the group.
The Kids for Kids choir met once a week, and my kiddos all got to be a part of it. Once a month the kids sang at the Shriner’s Hospital in Shreveport. Sometimes we would even sing at churches, fairs and festivals.
Beach Girl Gone Country
- 1990's
While living in East Texas, I performed lots of country gigs and wrote country songs.
I recorded an album of original songs, "Cowboys, Cuervo, & Texas" that told the story of my life on the ranch with my favorite cowboys. Two of the songs were translated into Spanish. This album was never published, but is now part of the Secret Songs of Cynthia Jordan!
Inspired by Celtic Music
- 1997
In 1997 we moved to Hendersonville. I was entering a new phase of my life as the kids were now in school and no longer little.
Something in my soul from ancestors past or even a past life inspired me to want to learn and write Celtic music. At the same time, I began writing instrumental pieces of music on the piano.
Instrumental Music in the Making
- 13 October 2018
Jerry Webb was my Magic Man while recording all of my instrumental music and some of my demos. Jerry read me so well that he knew when I was just playing the music and not really feeling it.
I couldn’t find a piano that played as well as mine anywhere in Nashville, so Jerry brought his recording equipment to my house, found musicians, and mixed everything to perfection. We worked together like peas and carrots.
11 Instrumental CDs in 2 Months
- 13 October 2018
I recorded 11 CDs in two months for Page Music in my living room on my very own piano (that same K.Kawai my Tita bought me).
Jerry was so patient. Sometimes I could hear him snoring in my headphones. He said my music was too relaxing. He’d get on my exercise equipment between pieces to stay awake. Later we mixed the music at his studio.
Same Piano from Elvis Presley Recordings!
- 13 October 2018
These photos were taken at ASCAP in Nashville. This piano was used on many, many hits including Elvis Presley recordings.
Happy Listeners Inspire Speaking & Writing
- 13 October 2018
After receiving so many letters and emails on how the Peaceful Journey Music helped with healing, insomnia and migraine headaches, I began speaking on the Power of Music. I received my DTM in Toastmasters and wrote my first book, Butterfly Moments.
Back to Texas
- 2005
In 2005, we moved to San Angelo, TX to be closer to oil (Dennis's field of work).
I found the history of San Angelo to be very fascinating! The town was founded with saloons, gambling and bordellos. It was the Wild West at its best.
I started dressing up in saloon outfits and hosting 1920s events in honor of the city’s history. It was a hit!
This experience of singing old honky- tonk tunes like my grandmother Moe inspired me to write the musical Miss Pearl’s Parlor that also became the novel, Pearl.
Bruce Lumpkin - Famous Director
- 13 October 2018
After meeting Bruce Lumpkin in Houston, Texas I knew that he was the perfect director to help the development of Miss Pearl’s Parlor. Bruce worked on Broadway for 40 years and was on the original production team, Best Little Whorehouse In Texas.
After seeing a show Bruce
Directed, he was hired by Tommy
Tune and worked on most of his
projects. He spent 40 years on
The Stage Reading of Miss Pearl
in San Angelo was a hit! There was
lots of laughter and a standing ovation
at the end of all 3 shows.